Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tom Robbins Says...

"We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love."

 I blame the media for this one. We are constantly bombarded with another's ideas of what love should be. We see perfection in books, in the movies, even in ads. What we need to keep in mind is that in these situations, we are only seeing half of the story. A movie could go through the lifetime of a couple, but that doesn't mean that we experience each and every day that this couple goes through. I guarantee there were hard days in that lifetime.
One will never find the "perfect" lover. After all, we are all human and we are all flawed in one way or another. Perhaps we don't look at ourselves the same way others do, but it doesn't change the fact that nobody is perfect. This doesn't mean, however, that there isn't someone in this world that is perfect for you. This is the perfect love that Robbins is talking about. It is important to look for and create the perfect love for you, not search for the flawless lover, driven by an image of perfection in your head. If you hold such lofty expectations in any relationship, it will never work out in your favor.
Nobody is perfect, yet the perfect love can be created
Nobody is perfect, yet the perfect love can be created
This perfect love will not be a person walking down the street. It will be someone that you dedicate yourself to, that you accept, for flaws and all. This is where creating the perfect love comes in. You find the person you want to create it with, then work through the tough times and enjoy the good times. Be there for each other, side by side and support one another through it all. Know that in times of need, the other person is there for you. Understand that the bad days are a part of even the best relationships. People may see it as a negative thing to go through some tough times as a couple. Don't let that hold you back. Every relationship will eventually have some problem or another. It is most important to communicate and get through these conflicts together. Only in this way could the perfect love be created.

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